Game Workers Australia Community Officer Elections Open

Game Workers Australia (GWA) is now calling for nominations for community officer roles within our organisation. Like always, these are volunteer roles and open to anyone who wishes to devote their spare time campaigning and organising to build a better games industry here in Australia. Nominations are open to community…

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GWU Australia Welcomes 30% Tax Rebate News

Game Workers Unite Australia welcomes today’s announcement of a 30% tax rebate for video game development in Australia. This is an enormous achievement and we acknowledge the huge efforts put in by the IGEA to lobby the Federal Government on this issue. While the concrete details about the Digital Games…

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GWU Aus Releases Examples of Freelancer Rate Responses

GWU Australia has been surveying freelance game developers in Australia as part of our project to set sustainable rates in our industry. Today we are releasing some very preliminary examples of the sort of rates that freelancers across the country have told us they are charging. One of the biggest…

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Ending Abuse in the Games Industry

This last week, the games industry has again been rocked by stories of people with power preying upon their colleagues, employees and fans. It is a harrowing moment but also important that we reckon with these revelations. GWU Australia condemns the perpetrators of these abuses. We have only one thing…

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